TMA succeeds because of our dedicated volunteers. Simply put, we need you! We sincerely appreciate everyone who donates their time throughout the school year in the many areas we need volunteers in.
Please browse through the opportunities below and contact those in charge of each opportunity with any questions. If there is a Sign Up Genius link, please utilize it to its fullest extent.
Please browse through the opportunities below and contact those in charge of each opportunity with any questions. If there is a Sign Up Genius link, please utilize it to its fullest extent.
VolunteeringSimply put, we couldn't do nearly as much as we do without the muscle of our volunteers - figuratively and literally! In order for some events to happen well, or happen at all, we need the help of volunteers. If you are a parent and would like to volunteer, click here. If you have any other questions, please contact Hannah Couch ([email protected]).
Substitute Teachers
While this isn't a true volunteer gig (there is some pay involved) we thought it fit well on this page. Qualifications include . . . patience and love of children. That's it! Training/orientation opportunities are available. You will always be paired with another teacher and best of all - you can choose which substitute opportunities you want to be called for - from age ranges to hours and days you want to be available.
For more information, please contact Kim Bosworth at [email protected]. |
"Busy Work"
Every so often, we need help with "busy work," which looks like folding brochures, stuffing envelopes, etc. When we have those needs, we will list them here.